Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 20, 2010 - All My Adenomas

I spent a weekend at USU in June when I had some pain similar to the pain I had when I had a bleeding adenoma when I was pregnant. They ran some tests, including another MRI and didn't see anything. I did meet someone who is now a great friend, Leah. She was in the ER right next to me and we had THE BEST TIME. Seriously....we got along really well and we cracked each other up and we spent as much of the weekend together as we could. In July, I went back to USU with a similar problem. This time, though, I refused to be admitted, but I told my docs I would take any tests they wanted me to take, so long as I could stay on the "outpatient" side of things. I ran into Leah again, when she had an appointment the same day, so we had lunch together.

So I called Dr. Awesome Transplant Surgeon today and he told me that I was at the top of the "AB" list for Springfield and Smithville. He also said that I was likely the top candidate for 5 states and that they had had "offers" for livers, but none that are suitable for me. He wants to wait for the "perfect" organ since I have time to wait. He estimated another 1-2 months for the transplant to take place.

Be careful out there or a part of you may become a part of me! LOL! That's all for now!

Foie Gras