Friday, April 30, 2010

April 30, 2010 - Days of Our Livers

Hi all,

I have a quick update for you all, or "all ya'all" as they apparently say way down south. First, I am now officially on the transplant list as of April 21. My MELD score going in (on?) was only 7, which is a score that almost any one of you would get based on the 3 blood tests that get you onto the UNOS transplant list. Because of the other factors, e.g., risk of adenoma rupture, risk of malignancy, etc., my surgeon lobbied UNOS to elevate my score so I wouldn't be at the bottom of the list, so to speak. I found out today (yesterday) that he was successful, and my MELD score is now 22. If you're really curious and/or bored, you can read more about all of this on

I have to give credit to my Auntie Em for the second thing. She wondered if this embolization procedure that I was scheduled to do tomorrow (later today, actually) was truly needed. After playing phone tag with Dr. Awesome Transplant Surgeon, he said that it was up to me, but he agreed with Auntie Em that it was not necessary to have the procedure done. He feels confident that a liver will become available within the next 2 months based on their past patients. He said that if I didn't accept the first liver offered to me, I would likely receive another offer about 2 months later. I have to say, that if I have to go through this (which I basically do, since the other options lead to a much more undesirable demise) it's nice to have the flexibility and be able to more or less choose the most convenient time for all those affected. Thank you again, Auntie Em!

So far, the humor and denial have continued to work well for me, but I admit that when I hung up with the doc, I had an "omg" moment of reality when I realized that this was truly going to happen sooner rather than later.

Lastly, in case you're wondering, I'm not normally awake at this hour, but I woke up around 3:00AM and couldn't get back to sleep so I figured I'd update ya'all until I felt sleepy again. Unfortunately, I'm still rather awake.

Love to all, and to all a good night (morning),
Foie Gras

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